Monday, March 15, 2010

I had posted then changed my mind

I had made a post but then changed my mind about making it public.   Sometimes venting helps a heavy heart, but in this case if someone would read what I wrote it may have done more damage then good.  Being a pastor's wife is not all fun and games!  When life gives you lemons do you make lemonade?
I try to make the best out of life, but sometimes it is hard to just roll with the punches.  To just suck it up so to speak.  Before the Lord saved me, I would just lash out without even blinking an eye.  I have learned to bite my tongue quite well!  OUCH!

I was outside yesterday and I have some yellow, purple, and white flowers coming up in my flower bed.  I am unsure of the names of them.  I planted them with the boys during Science class two years ago.  I also saw my first Robin.  Spring is definately on it's way!

by Kaitlyn Guenther

S o many flowers are blooming.

P etite little squirrels come out to play.

R eally big bears awake from their slumbers.

I maginative children enjoy a walk with their friends.

N o tree is left standing without any leaves. So

G o ahead, jump for joy because spring is here.

I am still enjoying my freebies that I am collecting!  This past week I got:

1.  2 samples of dog food by Rachel Ray
2.  sample of Fekkai shampoo
3.  one underjam

It was not a good week on samples but it beats getting bills in the mail!!!


Teresa said...

We all need to vent at times and sometimes it does just help to write it down and then throw it away. Just getting it off our chest can be a big help. Glad your feeling better.

JOY said...

What Teresa said is true. I used to do that when my heart was heavy. Crying to the Lord helps also. Remember, he listens too!