Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dreams can seem so real

Last night I had a very crazy dream.  I realize that dreams are normally from our subconscious, but I honestly have no idea about this dream.  Here is how the dream went.....

The family and I went on a camping trip, not sure where, but alas a camping trip.  We were unpacking and I had told Brian I was going to go to the bathroom and he was going somewhere else.  Isaiah had said "he wanted to go with daddy".  So off to the privy I went.  I came back to meet Brian and there was no Isaiah.  He thought Isaiah went with me and I thought Brian had him or at least had heard him say he wanted to go with daddy.  So we formed a search party with other campers looking for Isaiah.  I was deep in a very green forest screaming and crying for Isaiah, but no Isaiah was to be found.  We all met back and Brian saw something that caught his eye coming down a path.  It was Isaiah and he was naked.  He looked strangely at us.  Behind him was two people.  A man and a woman.  I went and grabbed up Isaiah and hugged him, but his eyes were not blue, they were a dismal grey.  He looked confused.  The woman said "let go of my child".  Brian spoke up and told her that Isaiah was our baby.  The woman said "no he is my child".  She looked evil with red hair and icy blue eyes.  The man looked even more evil with reddish hair, a black and white beard, and black eyes.  I held on tightly to Isaiah and he began to squirm.  The woman than yelled, "reshaw"!!  I said no his name is Isaiah.  She then yelled again, "reshaw"!!  Isaiah came out of my arms turned into the most magnificent bird I have ever seen and flew into a nearby tree.  I started crying and begging Isaiah to come back to me.  He looked at the woman and then looked at me.  He flew back to me and changed back from bird to child.  I took a picture of the man and woman and said I was going to call the police.  She sneered and said it would do no good, it never does, they will never find us.  We started running away with Isaiah and she said you can not run nor hide from us we will get our child!!  We came to the end of a path and saw a blue river with high mountains around it.  On top of the mountains was snow.  We stood in awe just seeing the beauty.  The man and woman came near and said give us our child.  We said No!  The woman again yelled "reshaw"!!  I said no Isaiah stay here with mommy.  I love you!  He looked at me with sad eyes, but changed into an eaglet and flew into the sky.  He was flying over the blue river joining other eaglets.  They were circling above us and the woman laughed with an evil laugh and said see I won, I have another child.  Oh no you don't I said.  I began screaming for Isaiah to come back to me.  He flew near me, but then quickly flew away.  I screamed and screamed for him and finally he came back to me.  He changed back to a boy and he looked at me with darker eyes.  I told him please stay with me I loved him and gave him a kiss.  At that moment his eyes went from a dark almost black to blue.  The spell had been broken.  I looked at the woman and told here a mother's love will outdo her incantations any day!  The police finally got their and they arrested the man and woman.  They put the handcuffs on the woman but she turned into an eagle as well as the man and flew off into the sky with the other eaglets, leaving behind the handcuffs and some pretty confused police.

This dream has troubled me all day.  I looked up the word reshaw and there is no such word, however; there is a definition for shaw, and a definition for re.  Are you ready for this?  It is kinda creepy.....

shaw: A thicket; a small wood or grove. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

re: Backward; back: react.

So you are probably wondering what I get from that.  The woman was not calling Isaiah "reshaw"  she was telling him to go back to the woods!  Like I said this could not come from my subconscious.  Dreams are normally jumbled up like a pieces of a puzzle.  This was just too vivid.  Everything was vivid.  The colors were like watching t.v.  What do you think?


JOY said...

You may want to keep an eye on all your children when outside of your home. That would really worry me, the fear of someone taking my child. Did you eat something before going to bed or were you under stress? Sometimes that can cause crazy dreams. Hope you have a happy dream tonight.

Tina said...

No mom I did not eat anything before going to bed and not under any stress but the norm.

Teresa said...

What a dream!!!! I don't have any explanation for you. Did you dream the same dream again the next night?